Miami Correctional Facility staff are recognized for their dedication

BUNKER HILL, IN – It takes dedication and commitment to work in a correctional environment under normal circumstances, and even more so while working in the middle of a pandemic.  Recently Warden Bill Hyatte recognized two of the many dedicated staff members at the Miami Correctional Facility (MCF) for their outstanding work.

Members of the Emergency Response Officer (ERO) Team and the Emergency Squad (E-Squad) recognized with certificates of appreciation for their service included ERO K-9 Sergeant Trevor Heishman and E-Squad team member Correctional Officer Dexter Jones.  ERO and E-Squad team members supplement other staff when needed. This is in addition to their regular duties.

Sgt. Heishman has been at MCF for 15 years, serving as a K-9 handler since 2016 and is presently a K-9 Team Leader. Trevor and his K-9 partner, are credited with finding significant amounts of contraband not permitted in a correctional environment.

“Sgt. Heishman is extremely professional with both staff and offenders.” said Major Derek Boyan, who recommended Sgt. Heishman for this recognition. “Trevor is a true team player who also serves as a Field Training Officer (FTO) to help new correctional officers know, understand and follow policies for the safety and welfare of staff and offenders.”

Correctional Officer Dexter Jones has been with MCF since November 2019.  With just one month of service he sought to be a member of the E-squad and has consistently demonstrated the desire to master all facets of correctional officer duties. 

“I have consistently been impressed with Ofc. Jones and the work he does here at MCF day in and day out.” said Maj. Boyan. “Dexter is a behind the scenes silent workhorse who sees a task through to completion from start to finish.” 

“The work these team members do every day is a challenge in any conditions, but the way they keep their head up and push forward is outstanding.” said Warden Bill Hyatte.  “They set a great example for others to follow and I appreciate their dedication to the department.”

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