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Bob Pilgrim retires from the Wabash Police Department

WABASH, IN- The Wabash Police Department announces the retirement of Bob Pilgrim on March 19, 2024. Mayor Dallas Winchester and Chief Chris Palmer hired Pilgrim in February 1994. During his thirty-year career, Pilgrim served as Probationary Patrolman, Patrolman, Sergeant, Captain and Major/Assistant Chief.

“I was truly honored to be hired by the City of Wabash and I feel privileged to have served the citizens of Wabash. Wabash is a very good city and great community to serve in law enforcement. I will be forever grateful to Chief Chris Palmer for giving me the opportunity to fulfill my dream as a young man growing up on a farm and graduating from Southwood High School. I am also grateful to the many other people helping with this opportunity, there were many.  I will leave with some very good memories of serving as an officer and I worked with many great men and women over the years on the WPD as well as other law enforcement agencies from Wabash County and beyond.  I also had the pleasure of working with other city employees from the WFD, Street Department, Parks Department, Sewage Department and Wabash City Hall.”

Pilgrim also served eighteen years as treasurer as the Fraternal Order of Police # 83.

“I was blessed with thirty years of Shop with a Cop and will leave with some very good memories of helping kids at Christmas.  This past Shop with a Cop I was approached by two adults that took the time to tell me about their experiences with it. They explained that they had been the recipients of this program as kids and then as parents, their kids were recipients. They explained how much it has meant to them and it added to me realizing how important this program is.”

“I have just a few plans for retirement and I will see where Life takes me from here.” 

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