PERU, IN- Join for the weekend of July 13 at Mississinewa Lake for the annual Christmas in July event. Celebrate Smokey Bear’s birthday with snacks and a bicycle parade, decorate your campsite for Christmas campsite judging, and enjoy water games with Amboy Volunteer Fire Department.
The day’s events will be held in Miami SRA.
8:30 - 10 a.m. - Pancake breakfast at interpretive shelter, brought to you by Friends of Mississinewa Lake. Donations accepted.
10 a.m. - Story time with Santa. Meet at the interpretive shelter.
2: p.m. - Youth archery shoot at archery range near Miami SRA boat ramp.
3: p.m. - Corn hole registration at campground control gate. $5 per person.
3:30 – 5 p.m. - Water games & corn hole. Meet at campground control gate.
6:15 p.m. - Bicycle decorating for parade at campground control gate.
6:15p.m. - Decorating shelter at interpretive shelter (for those not participating in parade).
6:45 p.m. - Smokey Bear parade. Begins at campground control gate and will only use front loop of campground.
6:45 - 7:10 p.m. - Campground roads closed for parade.
7 p.m. - Smokey Bear Birthday Bash at interpretive shelter.
8 p.m. - Campsite decorating judging.
9 p.m. - Campsite decorating awards at interpretive shelter.
For more information contact Upper Wabash Interpretive Services at 260-468-2127.
Property entrance gate fees apply: $7 per in-state vehicle; $9 per out-of-state vehicle. Annual entrance passes available for purchase.
Reserve campsites at or by calling 866-622-6746.
Mississinewa Lake, 4673 S. 625 E., Peru, IN 46970