MIAMI COUNTY, IN- Miami County Helping Hands is currently holding a food drive in honor of Dennis Eckerley, a valued member of the organization who recently passed away. The food drive is going on now through the end of February and they will be accepting non-perishable food items, paper products, and monetary donations. The donations may be dropped off on the third floor of the Miami County Annex Building, located at 25 Court Street in Downtown Peru.
About Miami County Helping Hands:
Miami County Helping Hands assists those in need in our community with food, gas vouchers, utility bills, rent, prescription assistance and many other essentials. For more information call (765) 472 -1875 and they will gladly walk you through the steps on how to become an eligible beneficiary.
Hours of operation are Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9 am to 11:45 am. If you are a new client, you may visit them during normal operating hours, but please arrive no later than 11:30 am.