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INDOT awards $50 million for local safety improvements




INDIANAPOLIS — The Indiana Department of Transportation today announced recipients of $50 million in Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)  funds to support safety projects on local road networks across Indiana. The awards solidify the agency’s renewed focus on safety and related goal of reducing fatal and serious injury crashes on Indiana roads by 25% over the next ten years.

“It takes all of us to make an impact on roadway safety,” said INDOT Commissioner Mike Smith. “This is just one way we are engaging with local agencies and making them part of the larger conversation. These are proven countermeasures that will enhance safety on local roads across the state.”

Sixty-four cities, towns, and counties will receive funds to complete nearly 100 safety projects by the end of state FY 2027, including updated warning devices, signs or pavement markings, pedestrian and crosswalk improvements, traffic signal enhancements or adjustments, and improvements at rail crossings, among others.

A Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) was issued in early September. Additional information, including a full list of awards, can be found here.


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