MCF promotes Sowards to Correctional Lieutenant

This from IDOC Miami Correctional Facility: BUNKER HILL, IN- MCF recently announced the promotion of Sergeant Dusty Sowards to Lieutenant.

Lieutenant (Lt.) Dusty Sowards began her career as a Correctional Officer in 2016 and promoted to Correctional Sergeant in 2018. She has now been promoted to the rank of Correctional Lieutenant at Miami Correctional Facility (MCF). Lt. Sowards has worked in many positions at MCF, she is also a graduate of the Women In Leadership course. 

Warden Bill Hyatte commented: “I look forward to seeing big things from Lt. Sowards as she moves forward in her new position. She has taken on a huge responsibility, as part of our leadership, and I am sure she will do great things. Congratulation Lt. Sowards.”

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