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Spring through Downtown Peru for Second Saturday, April 13

PERU, IN- Peru’s Second Saturdays springs back into action on April 13 from 1
p.m. to 8 p.m. in Downtown Peru. A “spring time” theme is the premise, meaning: bounce
houses, and lots of them! A variety of enjoyable inflatables and other activities will be placed
throughout the Downtown district from 1 to 4 p.m. making for free family-friendly fun as
residents and visitors explore the specials and sales at boutiques, art galleries, eateries, flower
shops, mercantiles, salons & specialty shops, as the perfect lead up to Peru’s nightlife.
As kids spring through the free bounce houses, “grown ups” can visit the Municipal Meet Up
locations where municipal leadership will be on hand to share all about how the City, County,
Chamber of Commerce and local Main Street organization are working together to revitalize
Peru from the Historic Downtown on out!
The event kicks off at 1 p.m. on The Lawn at Arnie’s Ace Hardware where representatives from
ReDiscover Downtown and Peru Miami County EDA will say a few words along with Mayor Don
Sturch who will lead the ribbon-cutting celebration for the brand new downtown streetscape.
The streetscape includes benches, bike racks and trash receptacles made possible through
grant awards and the cooperation of City, Chamber, and ReDiscover Downtown Peru (RDP)
with local business owners.
Guests can stick around at The Lawn to meet Board Members and the Executive Director of
RDP as well as downtown festival and events producers and learn about all of the fun activities
and events coming in 2024. At the Miami County Museum, discover the community’s incredibly
rich history and speak with Miami County Tourism and Miami County EDA representatives to
hear all of the exciting developments they are working to bring to Miami County. Take pictures
and meet new City Leadership outside City Hall where Police and Fire Department vehicles and
a variety of City Services rigs will be on display. Mayor Don Sturch is excited to be a part of it
all, saying, "I am committed to help improve our city and promote the downtown environment. Events such as 'Second Saturday' highlight our growing and vibrant downtown, and showcase
the improvements being done throughout the city. Second Saturday is a great opportunity to
rediscover Downtown Peru and all it has to offer."
The event as a whole is hosted and brought to you by ReDiscover Downtown Peru, an Indiana
Accredited Main Street organization that is working hard to bring the whole community
together to revitalize downtown Peru. Best known for Second Saturdays and the annual Cole
Porter Festival in June, RDP is also responsible for the Façade Improvement Grants program,
and works closely with the City of Peru, Chamber of Commerce and Miami County EDA on key
projects such as the aforementioned downtown streetscape as well as the rescue and
redevelopment of key buildings like 7 Pillars Brewery and 1 South Broadway. RDP President
Eric McCoy states: “We love doing anything we can to showcase the vibrancy of our
downtown. After a winter hiatus, we are excited to bring Second Saturdays back this year and
we love to see the community come out to support and celebrate all that there is to love about
our downtown district!”

For more information visit Facebook at Peru Second Saturdays or ReDiscover
Downtown Peru or the website

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