WABASH, IN- Fourteen contestants will compete for the title of Wabash County Festivals Queen in the 34th annual Wabash County Festivals Scholarship Pageant on Friday, July 26, at 7:00 p.m. For the very first time, the Pageant will be held in the Eagles Theater. The new queen will be crowned by our 2023 Wabash County Festivals Queen, McKenzie Roth.
Contestants will compete in a personal interview, sportswear, evening gown and on-stage question. The new Queen will make appearances at the Kunkel Cruise-in Car show; Founders Fest activities and parade as well as Lagro Good Old Days, Roann Covered Bridge Festival and other Wabash County Festivals as requested. Our Queen will also be competing in the Indiana State Festivals Pageant on November 9, 2024, in Greenfield, Indiana.
Many businesses and individuals have contributed to the scholarship monies. We are excited to award over $3500 in scholarships to the winners. The contestants contributed to the scholarship fund by working at the Pageant’s annual Port-A-Pit chicken sale and First Friday activities. The pageant is supported by the EHH Foundation.
Assisting with the pageant this year will be the Queen Team Directors: Katie Jones Beauchamp; Makayla Ridgeway; Teresa Ridgeway; Patty Meagher and Bev Vanderpool. Others assisting will be: Choreography, Lisa Mattern Billings and Megan Long; Ticket Sales, Jeff Culver; Stage Decorations, Jon Vanderpool; Escorts Ryder Schram and Ryland Miller.
Tri Kappa Sorority members helping during the pageant are: Deb Culver, Karen Walker Jones, Abby McDonald, Paula Merriman and Beth Miller. Earlier this year, Tri Kappa Sorority members hosted a get acquainted pizza party for contestants Emcee for the evening is Roderick Schram. Escorts are Ryland Miller and Ryder Schram.
Contestants are:
Roxanne Billman, daughter of Faith Jackson and Joshua Jackson (Step-father). Roxanne is a 2023 Graduate of Northfield High School. Roxanne is a student at Manchester University.
Quinn Claussen is the daughter of Kent and Denise Claussen. This Fall Quinn will be a Senior at Southwood High School.
Ella Clifford, is the daughter of Melissa Clifford . Ella is a 2023 Graduate of Manchester High School and is a student at Indiana State University.
Jessica Dingess, Wallace and Melody Dingess. Jessica is a 2022 Graduate of Manchester High School. Jessica is a student at Huntington University.
Zoey Gaylourd, Is the daughter of Josh and Sara Gaylourd. This Fall, Zoey will be a Senior at Southwood High School.
Eden Hoover is the daughter of Tony and Krista Hoover. Eden is a 2024 Graduate of Northfield High School. This Fall, Eden will be a student at Indiana University Bloomington.
Mahayla Krom is the daughter of Andrew and Nikki Krom. She is a 2024 Graduate of Manchester High School. This Fall Mahayla will be as student at Huntington University
Karigan Long is the daughter of Josh and Megan Long. Karigan is a 2024 Graduate of Wabash High School. This Fall Karigan will be a student at Trine University.
Marissa Metzger, is the daughter of Brad Metzger and Trisha Loker. Marissa is a 2022 Graduate of Southwood High School. Marissa is a student atstudent Purdue University.
Macie Overlander, daughter of Shannon Overlander and Emily Overlander. This Fall Macie will be a Senior at Northfield High School.
Ella Satterthwaite, is the daughter of Chad and Angela Satterthwaite. Ella is a 2022 Graduate of Northfield High School and is a student at IU Kokomo.
Paloma Shull, is the daughter of Amanda Shull and Brett Shull. Paloma is a 2024 Graduate of Wabash High School. This Fall Paloma will be a student at Indiana University Bloomington.
Myra Walker, is the daughter of Tim and Angela Middlekauff and George Walker. Myra is a 2024 Graduate of Manchester High School. This Fall she will be a student at Huntington University.
Erika Yard is the daughter of Staci Yard. Erika is a 2022 Graduate of Manchester High School. Erika is a student at Western Governors University.